Kitchen Cabinet Trends to Implement Into Your Kitchen


The kitchen cabinet market has experienced a sharp rise in the last few years, with trends indicating that custom kitchen cabinets are the most popular option. It’s easy to see why, as there are quite a few benefits of getting a kitchen remodel. A fresh new look, expanded functionality, and increased property price are just a few of the more prominent ones.

If you’re interested in experimenting with your kitchen cabinets, let’s dive in and take a look at some of the trendy designs in 2024, what sort of benefits they bring, and how SemBro Design & Supply provides these kinds of cabinets.

A Modern Kitchen With SemBro’s Semi-Custom & Stock Line

A modern design for your kitchen cabinets is something that you simply cannot go wrong with. It uses the latest building materials along with the latest building techniques to enhance your kitchen with a contemporary and highly functional style.
That’s what we were going for with our semi-custom and stock-line cabinets. With under-mounted cabinets that include a self-closing feature, you’ll achieve more than just a visually-stunning kitchen but also one that’s functional. The reason this is considered one of the more popular kitchen trends and will probably remain so for years to come is because of how modular it is. You can easily add, remove, rework, & alter whatever you want, and it’ll still look flawless.

Add Nature to the Mix

Incorporating natural materials into your kitchen cabinet installation might turn out to be the best decision you’ve ever made, as it’ll make your home feel like a part of nature rather than separate you from it. It’s like having a garden indoors.
By combining wooden browns and leafy greens, you can really make your kitchen cabinets come alive. Moreover, they make your home eco-friendly, as all the materials used in their construction are renewable.

Amish Custom-Made & Forevermark Cabinets for Rustic Design Enthusiasts

Trends come and go in cycles; what’s in now might not be so popular in five years. It’s the same as in fashion. What we consider rustic and “old” now will probably be the “hot new thing” in a few years, so why not future-proof your kitchen cabinets on time?
The best way to pull off a rustic cabinet style is to have one custom-made for you. That’s how they did it back in the old days. It’s the reason why our grandma’s kitchen feels so “homey,” as everything was made from scratch to fit the needs of the time.
Our Amish custom-made cabinets are here to do just that. You can choose any color and style that aligns with your preferences. Our favorite ones are the Mikonos blue cabinets, but the choice is ultimately yours. If you’re more of a wood lover, then you can also achieve a rustic look with our Forevermark cabinets, which feature an all-wood construction.
A modern kitchen remodel featuring an open-concept

Mix, Match, & Combine

Mixing and matching different styles isn’t the grave sin that some people make it out to be. It’s simply a bit harder to pull off, and you’ll probably have to have a longer chat with your contractor to figure out what will work for your home and what won’t.
The possibilities with this kitchen trend are endless. We recommend our line of J&K Cabinets if you want to achieve this look, for example, mixing the mahogany and pearl glazed colors. By mixing, you can prioritize form, functionality, aesthetics, or whatever comes to mind first. This trend is especially useful if you want to combine specific elements from different styles.

Consider Leaving the Shelves & Cupboards Open

An open-shelf design for your kitchen cabinets is great for a few reasons. One, it cuts down the cost of your kitchen remodel. Two, it makes everything much more accessible. And three, it allows you to further personalize your kitchen by giving you extra space for accessories.
This design can be applied to any style: modern, rustic, minimalist, natural, you name it. However, you’ll have to be more careful with your kitchenware, as there won’t be a door to keep it protected. But oh, the things we do for style.
Modern kitchen cabinets featuring dark hues

Maximize Storage By Implementing Smart Solutions

The point of kitchen cabinets is to hold things. If they can’t do that effectively, then they’ll just be a source of grievance. When planning your next kitchen remodel, consider a smart solution.
To rephrase, this doesn’t mean giving your kitchen cabinets electronic functionality and Wi-Fi access but rather carefully planning their design to include space for all sorts of items. Have smaller cabinets for cutlery, larger spacious cabinets for certain appliances & kitchenware, and a variety of cabinet sizes for foodstuff and other kitchen items.

Make Room for Appliances

The cabinet space in your kitchen doesn’t have to be solely for cabinets. You can leave a portion of the space open to make room for certain appliances. A kitchen hood, for example, is a must-have for any modern kitchen. Top-down lighting is also useful to have, especially if you often find yourself using the kitchen at night.
Most importantly, when redesigning your kitchen cabinets, make sure not to cover any wall sockets, as this will limit the number of appliances you can effectively use.

Fluted Details for an Avant-Garde Look

Fluted details are an often-overlooked design choice that can really make your kitchen pop and stand out. Fluting is a technique that essentially adds groves to a flat surface, giving a wavy appearance when observed from a distance.
It’s an especially cool technique if you’re going for a more niche style like brutalism or even minimalism, as it can add a lot of character to styles that don’t really allow you to deviate that much. Marble and other similar materials are particularly receptive to this technique, as it can give them the appearance of an ancient Greek pillar.

Experiment With Textures

Certain materials look better with certain textures, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t experiment with the textures of your kitchen cabinets. Try to match the overall aesthetic of your home, but don’t be afraid to veer off from that path if you think something else will look better.
A ribbed or reeded finish can give the impression of enhanced flow. Different colors psychologically alter our mood. Brighter colors make us happier, while darker hues naturally make us more moody. Contrasting colors are also a viable design choice for your kitchen cabinets. If you have a lighter countertop, try darker colors for your cabinets or vice versa. Don’t be afraid to experiment with this, as you can always change the colors later.

Let's Start This Journey Together

Updating your kitchen cabinets is a great way to freshen up your home. Whether you like the clean look of modern cabinets, the warm feel of natural materials, the cozy vibe of rustic designs, or the fun of mixing different styles, there’s plenty out there for you. These new trends can make your kitchen more useful and increase your home’s value too. At SemBro Design & Supply, we’re here to help you find the perfect mix of style and function. We’ll guide you in picking the best options and make sure everything is done just right.